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Artist’s colors are widely used in many art paintings and designs. They are produced in many forms using different color material mixtures. The Business Ideais based on the need to explore the existing market especially with the vocationalisation of education. An estimated fixed capital of 12,200US$, and operating costs of 44,030US$, generating a revenue of 992US$ in the first year of operations.

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This business idea is for the production and marketing of Rexene products, Rexene finds a wide application ranging from being used as seat covers to covering material. Rexene works include: bicycle carrier seats that are used in transportation of people. As Rexene products are cost effective, flexible and long lasting, there is a good demand for Rexene products that is untapped. The production capacity is estimated at 150 seats per day, total investments are estimated at US$ 99,490 per year and revenue estimates at US$ 300 per year. Production Process After creating patterns, Rexene is put alo

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This business idea is for the production and marketing of utensil cleaning powder. Detergent powder is a special formula that imparts pleasant fragrance to the utensils thus masking the stale odors. Unlike other detergents, it contains special detergent actives along with abrasive material. Gentle scrubbing removes stubborn stains. .Detergents are cleaning products that have become an essential part in our daily lives. Cleaning products play an essential role by safely and effectively removing dirt, germs and other contaminants, and thus promote a hygienic lifestyle. The production capacity is

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This business idea is for the production and marketing of toothpowder. Tooth powder is healthy for teeth and gums and will leave your mouth feeling super clean and your breath smelling good. Toothpaste simply adds binder agents and water, turning the powder into a paste that has a cleaner feeling and more easily coats the teeth. The total revenue is estimated at US$ 3000 per year with the total investment cost of US$ 85,131 per year. Production Process Combine three tablespoons of baking soda, one tablespoon salt, and four drops of clove oil in glass or metal bowl. Use a spoon to mix well, mas

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This business idea is for production and marketing of herbal toothpaste. Toothpaste is the most important type of dentifrice. Teeth care has turned into an established custom in all families. With the increasing awareness on dental hygiene, the use of dentifrices is increasing every day. Dentists regard toothpaste as a sophisticated dentifricematerial for effective dental care. The total cost is estimated at US$ 45,102 per year, with production capacity estimated at 200 tubes per day and revenue is estimated at US$360 per year.

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This business idea is for production and marketing of carbon paper. Carbon paper is paper coated on one side with a layer of a loosely bound dry ink or pigmented coating, usually bound with wax. It is used for making one or more copies simultaneously with the creation of an original document. The total investment requirement per year is US$ 412,194, with total revenues estimated at US$ 400 per year and production capacity estimated at 4 cartons per day, each carton with 100 pieces. Production process The process involves preparation of coating mix, coating on the paper surface, and cutting it