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This project idea is for production and marketing of adhesive plywood. Plywood is a common building material that is used to line roofs or as wall or floor paneling. It is also used in furniture manufacturing and it is made by gluing together an odd number of thin layers of wood. These layers are arranged so that the direction of the grain of each layer is at a right angle to the adjacent layer. The outer layers are called faces and backs, while the inner layer called the core. Plywood can be made from hardwood or softwood and this determines its use. Soft plywood can be made from Douglas-fir

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This business idea is for the production and marketing of plastic bangles Women world over wear bangles for elegancy. Plastic bangles have a good market as they are available in different designs and colours for different occasions and seasons. Thus setting up a plant to make plastic bangles is a good business and is quite viable. The total revenue is estimated at US$ 200 per year while the production capacity is estimated at 1,000 bangles per day. The total investment is estimated at US$ 1,380,714 per year. Production process In manufacturing plastic bangles, acrylic pipes of different diamet

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This business idea is for the production and marketing of ropes, Ropes prepared by fiber yarn are used for different purposes. The ropes are used in all the sectors of the economy but are most prominent in the agricultural sector. Right from livestock keeping to simple cultivation and then to commercial farming, ropes play a substantial role in the farming processes. Setting up a small plant to make ropes out of fiber yarn using local materials like jute is thus a good entrepreneurial idea. The business idea is premised on the production of 900 ropes per day, 23,400 per month and 280,800 per y

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This business idea is for production and marketing of cotton t-shirts. Cotton t-shirts are particularly for sports and causal wear. A good sweat absorbent wear, these garments are soft, tough and wrinkle free. The revenue is estimated at US$700 per year, and the project cost is estimated at US$229,424 per year. The production capacity per day is 450 t-shirts per day. Production Process As per the desired sizes and designs, the knitted fabric is cut into pieces and labeled as per measurement of the latest designs for the market. Then, the required button stitching is added to the semi finished

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The business idea is for the production of and marketing of cement based products. Cement products are more on the move nowadays with the increase in housing activity. These may include but not limited to: cement blocks,pavers,bricks,slabs, culverts, manhole covers, sculptures or statues to mention but a few.

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This business idea is for production and marketing of sisal door mats. Carpets are popular both in private homes and offices. Made out of sisal, sisal door mats are widely used among all sections of the society. Thus sisal door mat making is a good investment that can easily be taken up by women. The production capacity is estimated at per 150 sisal door mats day with the total revenue of US$ 300 per year. Production Process Sisal door mats making involves collecting sisal, drying it in proffered colours and finally weaving the sisal into different kinds of sisal door mats. They can be made wi