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The project idea targets a wide market that exists in the paper products industry. An estimated fixed capital of 10,340US$ and operating costs of 119,884US$ can generate a revenue of 202,800US$ in the first year of active operation.

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Scouring powder is a widely used household product. It is used in cleaning of metallic and ceramic products such as: tiles, toilet bawls, bathtubs & rinsing sinks etc. Production Capacity Technology & Process The production process involves the mixing of baking soda, salt, and borax powder in the right quantities and then the mixture is stored in an air tight container. Production capacity of 99,840kgms of scouring powder in the first year of operation and a total revenue of ,914US$ can be realized when a total operating cost of 32,319US$ is injected into the project.

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Woolen knitted products are highly demanded especially by institutions such as: schools, companies and for individual usage. The business idea is aimed at establishing a woolen kitting project with minimum fixed capital of 18,302US dollars, producing an average of sixty woolen knitwear products per day totaling to18,720 pieces fetching a revenue of,680US$ when sold in the first year of operation. The operating costs are 99,601US$.

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The construction sector is the most vibrant sector in Uganda today registering the highest level of growth and therefore any investment in such sector takes a lucrative path. The Business Ideais targeted towards investing in a sector that is very vibrant with its products being on rising demand .An estimated output of 499,200half bricks per year has been done and fixed capital of 19,875US$ if injected in the project with operating costs of 42,589US$, can yield an estimated revenue of,880US$ in the first year of operation.

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Cotton bags are environmentally friendly products and can be a perfect replacement for polythene and plastic bags. The business profile is targeted towards production of 32,760bags in the first year of operation with an initial investment fixed capital totaling to 6,100US$ & estimated revenue of 144US$ and operating costs of 101,431 US$. The market is very easy to explore as the government is trying to burn the use of polythene bags.

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Wooden furniture products are very highly demanded products especially in the construction sector, and in house furnishing. The project idea is developed on the basis of establishing a small scale modern wooden furniture workshop with an estimated fixed capital of 15,500US$, and operating costs of 121,053US$, generating revenue of 704US$ in the first year of active operation.