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This business idea is for manufacturing and marketing of decorated glassware. In order to upgrade the quality of the daily-use glassware articles like tea sets, er sets, tumblers, lampshades etc, different designs are put on glassware to make it more attractive to the buyers. The ns may be flowery or they could be of different colors, but Design must be attractive enough to lure customers. They have de market structure because they are household items in st every family in both rural and urban areas. They are used laces like hotels, offices, Restaurants, and homes. The ness idea is based on pr

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This business idea is for manufacturing and marketing of exercise books. Exercise books are stationary items required for schools, offices and other purposes. Their market structure and demand is high since they are used by all school pupils from primary to senior four. They are sold in stationary shops, markets, whole sale shops, retail shops and even on the streets.

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This business idea is for production and marketing of leather belts. Real leather belts are one accessory of apparel made of cowhides or other animal skin. It is a flexible band worn around the waist. A belt supports trousers or other articles of apparel and it serves for style and decoration. Their market structure is high since they are of good ity and they are used by almost all people with trousers and rs. The business idea is premised on three hundred working single shift of 8 hours per day the unit is designed to have which translates into 312,000 er belts per year. The revenue potential

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This business idea is for making and marketing of wooden toys. Wooden toys are kids’ playing materials which provide them with hours of fun. They are a source of learning for inquisitive children. With the growing toys demand, the market for wooden toys is wide as more sophisticated types of toys attract more and more kids. They also have an export market especially through the numerous tourists.

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Bathroom sandals are casual wear used by all sections of society especially in home setting. They are normally put on en one is going to take a shower or when one is in the confines their homes and can be made in ordinary fancy sizes and colours. Their market structure is wide because they are used by all people in the society. Their demand prospect is high due to the continuous increase in income of people and improved life styles.

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This business idea is for production and marketing of pottery products on a small scale investment. Pottery is the process of mixing clay with water; and shaping the mixture into pottery products/Pottery ware such as: pots, cups, plates, bowls, urns and candle holders. The market structure and demand for pottery products is generally wide because they are sold in places like curio shops, Art Kiosks and other places. They are used for various purposes such as: decorations, flower vases in workplaces, schools, lodges and households; while some products can be exported.