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Buckets are a household item in many homes mainly used to draw and store water and to wash clothes. They are however used to carry other items as well. They are popular because of their durability and multipurpose use. They are quite common in rural areas, although urban dwellers use them too. The project idea has been developed to tap into the existing market for metallic buckets. The project estimates fixed capital of US$ 2,800, operating costs of US$ 168,066, generating revenue of US$872 in the first year of operation.

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Paint manufacture involves the mixing of different chemicals at different sequences and at specified durations for them to set and form a thick and, or sticky solution that is used to coat structure surfaces when applied to give them a decorated look of the desired colours. The mixing is done by a trained person with acumen in that field. This industry product is on high demand since the Construction sector is growing very fast and booming. The capital outlay is a bit stretched but the return on investment justifies it. The project requires an estimated fixed capital of US$ 14,454 and operatin

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This business proposal is for producing creams that drives mosquitoes away from whoever would apply the cream on his/her body. Mosquitoes are a menace to human race as they transmit malaria parasites through their bite. They must therefore be kept at bay. This can be successfully done by applying a repellent cream which keeps them at bay. The cream is applied on the exposed parts of the body e.g. the face and neck, the legs, the hands, and it remains effective for about 10 hours. The project requires an estimated fixed capital of US$ 992 and operating costs of US$46,248 generating revenue of U

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Hides and skins are given shape and form after processing in tanneries, where a specially designed drum is used. A leg operated mobile unit can be used in tanning leather. With the massive presence of cattle, especially the Ankole long horned and the Zebu breed, there is a substantial supply of hides and skins.

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This project is for extraction of oil from various oil bearing plants and grasses such as: Eucalyptus, cinnamon ginger, lemons neto etc. Essential oil is highly volatile and is essentially carried away by steam without undergoing decomposition. Essential oils are produced for use in medicine and perfume manufacture, and for other industrial purposes. The project requires an estimated fixed capital of US$ 26,500 and operating costs of US$ 284,507 generating total revenue of US$ 400 in the first year of operation.

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Bread and Confectionery products are a lucrative business. These, especially bread, are quite nutritive and easily preserved and shelve life can be prolonged. These are products commonly stocked almost by all provision stores. Bread is one common product on people’s dining tables to a sizeable proportion of the urban and semi-urban communities and therefore enjoys a ready market. This is a project to produce bread, cakes, buns, mandazi, doughnuts etc