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The business idea is for production and marketing of mayonnaise cream. Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy sauce or dressing that is made of oil, egg yolks, lemon juice or vinegar and seasonings. While mayonnaise is often referred to as a dressing, it is really intended to "dress" sandwiches and not leaf salads. The total potential revenue is estimated aUS$600 per year, the production capacity is estimated at 100 tones per day and the total project cost is estimated at US $144,482 per year.

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Zinc sulphate is a colorless crystalline, water-soluble chemical used to manufacture animal feeds, fertilizers and agricultural sprays. Zinc sulphate checks weeds and protects against pests and diseases. It also has applications in textile dyeing and printing, as a reagent in glues, in electro galvanizing paints, varnishes and in the manufacture of many zinc compounds. Zinc sulphate has a good market potential in rural areas and agriculture sector. The business idea aims at production of 3,900 kgs of zinc sulphate per month. The revenue potential is estimated at 500$ annually with a sales marg

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This business idea is for production of sisal fibre handicrafts. Sisal fibre extracted from sisal leaves is used for making many types of decorative items, bags, wall hangings and toys. The products from sisal are normally appealing in tourist places, hotels and restaurants. The business idea aims at production of 1,300 pieces of fibre handicrafts. The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 480 per year with a sales margin of 15%. The total capital investment for the project is US$ 1,200.

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A serviette is a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing when eating. Made out of light absorbent material, napkins are soft to absorb sweat and clean the mouth. The market is constituted by individual consumers, hospitals, restaurants, homes and hotels among others. The business idea aims at production of 2,600 packets of serviettes per month which translates into 31,200 packets annually. The revenue potential is estimated at 180 dollars per month, translating into 134,160 dollars per year with a sales margin of 10%. The tota

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This business idea is for making rubber molded products. Rubber molded products are mostly used in automobile and assembling units. Molded rubber products find extensive use in railways, automobile, and bicycles and also in many industrial and domestic appliances. The business idea aims at production of 1,300 kgs of rubber products per month. The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 800 per year with a sales margin of 10%. The total capital investment for the project is US$ 15,390.

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Cosmetic products are widely used by many people in the country. Cosmetic products can attract a great customer base if they are of high quality. An estimated fixed cost of US$ 15,264 when injected into the project can yield estimated revenue of US$ 190 in the first year of operation.