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This business idea is for production of bolts and nuts. A bolt is a cylindrical piece of metal that fastens objects together. A nut is a hexagonal or square piece with a threaded hole at the centre. Nuts and bolts have a high market demand in the industrial sector.The business idea aims at production of 2,600 kilograms of bolts and nuts per month. The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 800 per year with a sales margin of 10%. The total capital investment for the project is US$ 19,113.

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Paint brushes are of two types. Oval ferruled, bound brushes which are used for finer painting jobs such as varnishing and for final finishing of paint work and round ferruled, bound brushes that are used for rough painting work, like ground preparation and applying of under coat, filling of surfaces of under painting.

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This business idea is for production and marketing of low dust chalk. Chalk is a soft compacted whitish calcite used as a writing aid in educational institutions. Low dust chalk reduces health hazards that result from excess chalk dust. The market structure for chalk cuts across academic institutions. It can be produced in a wide range of colours though white chalk is most preferred. The business idea aims at production of 3,900 boxes of chalk per month. The revenue potential is estimated at 600 US$ per year with a sales margin of 10%; the total capital investment for the project is 2,500 US$.

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This business is about making jewelry such as rings, brooches, chains, and bracelets by cutting, shaping and polishing the material for producing fashion jewels. Jewelry is used by women mostly though of late men have started using it. This business idea aims at production of 200 pieces of jewelry per day thus 62,400 pieces annually. The revenue potential is estimated at US $ 600 annually.

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Leather gloves are used as protective wear for human hands. They are available in types and sizes and are sought after by all but especially motor bicycle riders and military personnel. The demand for leather gloves exists both in domestic and export markets. The business idea aims at production of 520 pairs of gloves per month, which translates into 6,240 pairs annually. The revenue potential is estimated at $ 300 annually year with a sales margin of 10%. The total capital investment for the project is $ 2,479.

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This business idea is for essence extraction from curry leaves. Essence adds flavor and taste to food. For one to enter the market, it is recommended that s/he targets supplying to supermarket chains, grocery/retail shops and restaurants. The business idea aims at production of 46,800 bottles of essence annually. The revenue potential is estimated at US $ 400 annually. The total capital investment for the project is US $ 4,000.