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An eraser or rubber is an article of stationery that is used for removing pencil and sometimes pen writings. Erasers have a rubbery consistency and are often white or pink, although modern materials allow them to be made in any color. Many pencils are equipped with an eraser on one end. Typical erasers are made from synthetic rubber, but more expensive or specialized erasers can also contain vinyl, plastic, or gum-like materials. Other cheaper erasers can be made out of synthetic soy-based gum. Used by school and college going students, erasers are used in addition to the common pencil erasers

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Groundnuts paste is made from grounding fried groundnuts into a paste. The paste is used as a source stew to accompany food. It is many times mixed with other sources or mixed directly into food. It makes soup heavy, and tastes nice. It may also be used or pasted on bread and be used instead of butter. This proposal will produce a safe product using stainless steel machinery unlike the present products produced using cast-iron equipment which end up laced with materials likely to cause cancer to those eating it. About 200 to 300 kgs of groundnuts can be processed daily. An investment capital

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This project is about manufacturing cattle licks containing Urea, Molasses, Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that may be included in the recipe. These blocks are quite convenient to package, transport, and store. This is an easy feeding method and it is quite nutritive because the lick combines a variety of nutrients. At the manufacturing level, a lot more can be added as may be desired.

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This Business Idea is about the manufacturing of paper from agro waste and cotton waste. It is popularly known as hand paper because the production process is labour oriented. Paper and paper products are of great value to mankind in modern times. Paper is a basic means or medium of communication, and of great use in dissemination, capture, and storage of information. This is an ideal project because the demand is immense and all paper used in this country is imported. Secondly, the paper produced is cheap and the raw materials are readily available locally. Thirdly it could be located in rura

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This business idea is for manufacturing and marketing of kerosene wick stoves. Kerosene Wick stove is a structure made of metal and is used for cooking purposes. Their market structure is relatively high since they are a viable alternative to other cooking means and are used in households and hotels mainly in urban areas. The business idea is premised on production of 3,328 medium kerosene wick stoves per month which translates into 40,000 wick stoves per year based on three hundred and twelve working days single shift of 8 hours per day. The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 464 per mont

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Hair and Safety pins are commonly used items by various members of the society. The hair pins are particularly popular with women who use them at all levels. These products are produced in different sizes and designs. Some are produced for decorative purposes and both items are consumed in big numbers. As for Safety pins, their use varies from office to workshops and homes. These items are currently imported from China and Malaysia. The project requires an estimated fixed capital of US$ 13,050 and operating costs of US$95,701generating revenue of US$ 960 in the first year of operation.