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Uganda’s economy is dominated by the agricultural sector and any investment such as production of agricultural fertilizers can be a very viable investment both in the short run and long run period of the investment. This project if implemented can yield a total estimated revenue of,960US$ with operating costs of 67,411US$ employed in the first year of active production of an estimated 137,280kgms of fertilizers.

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This business idea is for production and marketing of carbon paper. Carbon paper is paper coated on one side with a layer of a loosely bound dry ink or pigmented coating, usually bound with wax. It is used for making one or more copies simultaneously with the creation of an original document. The total investment requirement per year is US$ 412,194, with total revenues estimated at US$ 400 per year and production capacity estimated at 4 cartons per day, each carton with 100 pieces. Production process The process involves preparation of coating mix, coating on the paper surface, and cutting it

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This project idea is for production and marketing of activated carbon from rice husks. Activated Carbon is an amorphous form of carbon, which when treated, produces a highly porous structure with a very large internal surface area. The revenue potential is estimated at US$500 per year. Production Process The process consists of crushing the rice husks in a hammer mill to required size and then pulverizing them in a ball mill. The husk powder is digested with zinc chloride. The mass is then activated at elevated temperature.

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Zinc sulphate is a colorless crystalline, water-soluble chemical used to manufacture animal feeds, fertilizers and agricultural sprays. Zinc sulphate checks weeds and protects against pests and diseases. It also has applications in textile dyeing and printing, as a reagent in glues, in electro galvanizing paints, varnishes and in the manufacture of many zinc compounds. Zinc sulphate has a good market potential in rural areas and agriculture sector. The business idea aims at production of 3,900 kgs of zinc sulphate per month. The revenue potential is estimated at 500$ annually with a sales marg

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This business idea is for the collection of Garbage from homesteads. This business idea is premised on Collection of Garbage from 4,500 homes. Each home or family pays US$ 10 per month which translates into US$ 120 per year. The revenue potential is estimated at US $ 1,000 year. The project Cost is US $ 34,645.