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This profile envisages the setting up of a plant that manufactures Bio - Fertilizers. Bio-fertilizer' is a substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. Fertilizers directly increase soil fertility by adding nutrients. Bio-fertilizers add nutrients through the natural processes of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis o

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Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and the proportion of copper and zinc vary in this alloy depending upon requirements of the end product. Copper alloy with tin is known as gun metal or tin bronze. This has wide application in engineering, marine and automobile industry. Copper alloy with aluminium is known as aluminium bronze. It is also extensively used in manufacturing of decorative items for our daily use. It costs US$ 36,035 with a capacity ofv15,000kg yielding estimated revenue of US $ 994 per year

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Aluminium powder is a fine granular powder made from aluminium which has several applications and is used in the manufacturing of slurry explosives, detonators for specialized applications such as rails, crackers, sparkles and other pyrotechnic products. The envisaged project is for setting up of a plant to make this powder. The project cost is US $ 29,563 with production capacity of 300,000 kgs per annum collecting estimated revenues US $ 44,998 per year.

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This business idea is for manufacturing and marketing of kerosene wick stoves. Kerosene Wick stove is a structure made of metal and is used for cooking purposes. Their market structure is relatively high since they are a viable alternative to other cooking means and are used in households and hotels mainly in urban areas. The business idea is premised on production of 3,328 medium kerosene wick stoves per month which translates into 40,000 wick stoves per year based on three hundred and twelve working days single shift of 8 hours per day. The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 464 per mont

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This business idea is for manufacturing and marketing of Naphthalene Balls. Naphthalene balls are white crystalline balls extensively used as a deodorizer, as moth repellent for protection of clothes, in toilets and bathrooms etc. Soluble in benzene, absolute alcohol and ether, they have a strong coal tar odor. In view of the widespread use in households as well as commercial establishments, Naphthalene balls have a wider market structure and high demand. This business idea is premised on production of 26 tones of naphthalene balls per month which translates into 312 tones of naphthalene balls

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This project idea is for production and marketing of activated carbon from coconut shell. Activated Carbon is an amorphous form of carbon, which when treated, produces a highly porous structure with a very large internal surface area. This gives the ability to activated carbon to absorb gases and vapors in gaseous phase and dissolve or disperse substances in liquid phase. It has a wide market and a high demand in all the aspects of industry and agriculture, such as exhaust gas treatment and gas purification in the environment protection industry and filter cigarettes. The business idea is prem