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This business idea is for manufacturing and marketing of plastic containers. Plastic containers are light-weight, flexible and chemically resistant containers. They can be made in attractive colors which are most popular and are used for household purposes. In most parts of Uganda especially the rural areas, people use plastic containers because they are very durable. A project to manufacture plastic containers would be very viable since there is good market for the containers in both rural and urban areas. Supply to super markets, retail and whole sellers would help to capture part of the mar

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This business profile aims at setting up a plant that manufactures plastic bottle caps. Bottle caps, or closures, are used to seal the openings of bottles of many types. They can be small circular pieces of metal, usually steel, with plastic backings, and for plastic bottles a plastic cap is used instead. A bottle cap is typically colorfully decorated with the logo of the brand of beverage.

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This business profile suggests setting up a plant that manufactures plastic Ropes. A rope is a bundle of flexible fibers twisted or braided together to increase its overall length and tensile strength. Ropes may be used for hunting, carrying, lifting, and climbing dates back to prehistoric times.

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The business idea is to set up a plant to recycle plastics. This business idea is premised on production of 36,400 plastic products per month which translates into 436,800 products per year. The revenue potential is estimated at US $ ,640 per month which translates into US $ 355,680 per year. The project cost is US $ 395,700.