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Silver is a very precious and important metal extensively used in photography, X- ray films, jewelry, electrical materials, medicine, etc. In the modern era, silver extraction from waste material has caught the imagination of scientists and engineers. Today, silver is extracted from the waste solution of X-ray clinics, photographers, block makers, and offset printers. Project cost is US$13,925 with a production capacity of 45Kgs per annum and yielding estimated revenues of US$377 per year.

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This business idea is for production and marketing of pottery products on a small scale investment. Pottery is the process of mixing clay with water; and shaping the mixture into pottery products/Pottery ware such as: pots, cups, plates, bowls, urns and candle holders. The market structure and demand for pottery products is generally wide because they are sold in places like curio shops, Art Kiosks and other places. They are used for various purposes such as: decorations, flower vases in workplaces, schools, lodges and households; while some products can be exported.