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A car wash facility is a facility used to clean the exterior and the interior of motor vehicles. There are many different types of car washes, i.e Hand car wash facilities, Self-service facilities, that are generally coin-operated, where the customer does the washing, including "jet washing" In-bay automatics, which consist of an automatic machine that rolls back and forth over a stationary vehicle and many others around the world.

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Shoes are important items put on by all categories of people. This project cost US$ 11,989 working on about 93,600 repairs annually and yielding annual revenues estimated at US $ 280

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Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from an enclosed space, or from a substance and moving it to a place where it is unobjectionable. The primary purpose of refrigeration is lowering the temperature of the enclosed space or substance and then maintaining that lower temperature. Refrigeration is now an integral part of households even in rural areas, especially among the well to do. The profile is for setting up of a service center to do repairs on fridges, installation and maintenance of cold rooms, freezers and cold rooms, glass fronted display rooms and air conditioning. This woul

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This proposal is production and mobile vending of food. About 200 covers would be produced daily. The Project costs are US $60,971 per annum and estimated revenues stand at US $880 per year with a production of 62,400 covers per annum. Market potential is great since Hotels and restaurants are expensive and away from work places. This will deliver the food at the required time and take away the utensils soon. This service limits the movement of workers and makes them more productive.

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Compound designing is an upcoming lucrative business in this era. Many developers are now interested in having well designed compounds that are be- fitting to their modern homesteads. This can be done for Universities, homes, Schools recreation centers, hospitals, camping sites, estates, hotels etc. and it is on very big demand and is highly marketable. Project cost is US$ 17,826 collecting revenue of US$584 annually form 312 compounds done per year.

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Dry cleaning uses non-water based solvents to remove soil and stains from clothes. It involves cleaning of clothing and textiles using an organic solvent rather than water.