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A serviette is a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing when eating. Made out of light absorbent material, napkins are soft to absorb sweat and clean the mouth. The market is constituted by individual consumers, hospitals, restaurants, homes and hotels among others. The business idea aims at production of 2,600 packets of serviettes per month which translates into 31,200 packets annually. The revenue potential is estimated at 180 dollars per month, translating into 134,160 dollars per year with a sales margin of 10%. The tota

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This business idea is for making of cotton socks. Socks are garments worn on the feet. They help absorb sweat and draw it to areas where air can evaporate the precipitation. Socks are worn by males and females both children and adults. The business idea aims at production of 78,000 pairs of socks annually. The revenue potential is estimated at US $ 400 annually with a total capital investment of US $ 17,017.

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This business idea is for production and marketing of products such as: Sweaters, Sleeveless/ Waist Coats, Shawls Socks, Table Clothes and Embroidery on Caps, Jackets, Shirts, Gifts and more. The business idea is premised on production of various products with a revenue potential of US$ 3,000 per year. The project cost is US 27,050 Dollars.