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Ice cream is afrozen dessert usually made from diary products such as: milk and often combined with other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar although some are made with other sweetners. Alternatively it can be made from soya milk, rice milk and goat milk for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to diary products and soya and rice for those who avoid diary products. The production capacity is 38,398kg per year yielding revenue of US $995 per annum from an investment of US $57,832.

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The extraction of eucalyptus oil is an agro-based technology. The eucalyptus botanical name is eucalyptus citriodora. It is grown in almost all the districts of Uganda. It is propagated through seeds and transplanted after 40-45 days. The harvest is in every 3-4months and economic life of the plant is more than 10years. The yield is 80kg of oil/ha and it is a fast growing tree that reaches a height of about 25 to 40 meters. The revenue estimate is US $ 568 per annum from production capacity of 6,240kg and an investment of US $ 24,075. Eucalyptus oil is used in a variety of industries including

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A disinfectant is basically an agent, which destroys pathogenic organisms. A good disinfectant should also be a deodorant possessing good shelf qualities and it should be effective against a host of microorganisms. The project cost is US$223,144, with production capacity of 50,000kgs per year with estimated revenue of US$999 annually.

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Soaps are salts of the fatty acid or mixtures of such salts. There are two kinds of soaps, water-soluble and water insoluble. Soaps are prepared both by neutralizing the preformed fatty acids with alkali or by a direct mixture of fats and treating with an alkali. Laundry soap is the most popular surfactant that finds application in the household sector as well as in the industrial sector. Project costs are US$103,703 with capacity of 100,000 boxes of soap per annum. This yields estimated revenue of US$ 150per annum Setting up a plant to start making laundry soap is a viable project and can be

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Used as educational aid for drawings and sketches, coloured wax crayons are in great demand now, especially with current policy reforms in the education sector. They are normally used by children and artists, although they can be used by professionals, especially in business presentations, etc. A plant for making coloured wax crayons can be set up anywhere and does not require much in terms of expertise. This makes the project suitable for both rural and urban folks and will cost US$28,866 with capacity of 60,000 boxes annually, estimated revenues US$ 600per year.

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Introduction: Clay has been used as a sewer pipe material for the last 4,000 years. The clay pipe industry was one of the earliest industry and today verified clay pipe is the most durable sewer product available, with long life, environmentally friendly, inert resistant to chemicals. Clay pipe is enjoying renewed interest among Civil Engineers and in municipalities that have an environmentally preferable purchasing policy and desire to incorporate sustainable practice. Clay pipes are used in laying drainage lines. These pipes have the special advantage of water absorption over other pipes an